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FS4SP, Powershell

BCS for FAST Crawler…Assembly and LobSystem ERROR

Ci ha salvato la vita… il grande Jasper!!! dopo ogni deploy di un Model sul servizio BCS, è necessario(almeno fino a prova contraria) indicargli il nuovo lobSystem by powershell per non incappare nel seguente errore:

“‘Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.SystemSpecific.DotNetAssembly.DotNetAssemblySystemUtility’ requires the assembly to be uploaded.. —> System.InvalidOperationException: Assembly was requested for LobSystem with Name ‘Company.Projects.Contoso.BCSLobSystem’, but this assembly was not returned. SystemUtility of Type ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.SystemSpecific.DotNetAssembly.DotNetAssemblySystemUtility’ requires the assembly to be uploaded.”

Ecco i comandi Powershell!!

$url = "http://www.contoso.com"
$assemblyPath = "C:\lobsystem.dll"
$lobSystem = "Company.Projects.Contoso.BCSLobSystem"

Write-Host "Adding assembly to LOBSystem"
$serviceContext = Get-SPServiceContext $url
$lobSystem = Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogMetadataObject -ServiceContext $serviceContext -BdcObjectType lobsystem -Name $lobSystem
Import-SPBusinessDataCatalogDotNetAssembly -LobSystem $lobSystem -Path $assemblyPath

Fatto questo il crawler ha iniziato ad indicizzare correttamente le external lists.

Nice 🙂

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Fast Search for Sharepoint 2010 Junior developer/consultant


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